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RESET Command

RESET Command

This command resets the value pointer for a variable to the first value in the associated value set. This could be either a list or a range associated with that variable, or from a file associated with the variable. In the case of a repeatable random variable, the variable's seed may be reset to a specified or defaulted value.

The RESET command does not alter the contents of the variable. The value to which the variable has been reset is only retrieved on execution of the first NEXT command after the RESET command.

Command Definition:

RESET variable {, SEED=value}


The name of the variable whose value pointer is to be reset. The variable must have a set or a file associated with it in the DEFINITIONS section.


An integer numeric literal in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647. If the SEED clause is omitted from the RESET command, the seed variable will be reset to the value specified when the variable was defined, or to the value specified by a previous RESET command.


RESET Emp-Name
RESET Per-Num, SEED=-8415


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