Code Section Structure
The Code section of an SCL source file is composed of:
SCL provides a wide range of commands that control the behavior of the script.
A command is normally terminated by the end of the source line, but may be continued on a subsequent line by specifying the continuation character as the last character on a line - apart for any line comment. Either an ampersand or a hyphen ("&" or "-") may be used as the continuation character; this is described in Continuation Lines.
Spaces and tabs are treated as separators within a command, although spaces are significant when they appear in character string arguments.
Characters Ignored by the Compiler
The script compiler allows any character with an ASCII value in the range HEX 00 to 20 or HEX 81 to 8F inclusive to appear at the start of a line or the end of a line. It ignores these characters, allowing tabs and form-feeds, for example, to be used to aid legibility.
If any ASCII control character appears elsewhere, the script compiler will generate a compilation error. Mailing Lists Further enquiries Documentation feedback |